> Взломали, украли БД
сообщение Dec 23 2011, 10:32
Сообщение #1

Добрый Дух Гедеона

Группа: Admin 
Сообщений: 47627
Регистрация: 4 Sep 2004
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Из: Москва, Фили
Пользователь №: 514

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We recently discovered that unauthorized intruders gained access to a Trion Worlds account database. The database in question contained information including user names, encrypted passwords, dates of birth, email addresses, billing addresses, and the first and last four digits and expiration dates of customer credit cards.

There is no evidence, and we have no reason to believe, that full credit card information was accessed or compromised in any way. We have already taken further action to strengthen our systems, even as we, with external security experts, continue to research the extent of the unauthorized access.

You will notice on your next log in to our website that you will be required to change your password, and existing Mobile Authenticator users will also need to reconnect their Authenticator. When you log in, you will be prompted to provide a new password, security questions and answers, and be given the option to connect your account to our Mobile Authenticator to enhance your account’s security.

If you have used your username and password for other accounts, especially financial accounts or accounts with personal information, we suggest you change your passwords on those accounts as well. We recommend that you carefully review your statements, account activity, and credit reports to help protect the security of those accounts. If you need information on how to obtain your credit report or believe any such accounts have been breached, please visit www.trionworlds.com/AccountNotification for more information.

You should have continued, uninterrupted access to RIFT, and we do not anticipate any disruptions to your playing time.

Nevertheless, if you own the RIFT game, you will be granted three (3) days of complimentary RIFT game time once you update your password and security questions.

Additionally, once you update your account and set a new password, your account will be granted a Moneybags’ Purse, which increases your looted coin by 10%, even if you have not yet purchased RIFT.

Please log in to https://rift.trionworlds.com (and we recommend that you copy and paste this link into your browser to access the site) to update your password, security questions and Authenticator.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. If you have further questions, please visit our website, www.trionworlds.com/AccountNotificationFAQ.

– The Trion Worlds Team

Зашел на сайт Рифта - заставили сменить пароль и задать контрольные вопросы. Это эпидемия. Удалил свою Визу из пеймент опшнс.

Если большинство привержено ошибочным принципам и предпочитает недостойных кандидатов, то не существует иного лекарства, кроме как попытаться изменить их умонастроения, излагая более разумные принципы и рекомендуя более достойных людей. Меньшинство никогда не сможет добиться устойчивого успеха другими средствами. (Мизес Людвиг)
О будущем: пищевые брикетики, инкубаторы, общественный транспорт, мировое правительство, прижизненное изменение собственного генома.
Эксперт - это человек, который в узкой области допустил все возможные ошибки. (Нильс Бор)
Как это возможно, что невозможное может быть не только возможно, но и неизбежно?
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